The combined efforts of the planeswalkers Jace Beleren, Chandra Nalaar, Gideon Jura, Nissa Revane, and Kiora Atua allowed for the rallying of the plane’s defenses and the destruction of the titans Kozilek and Ulamog. Zendikar was quickly becoming consumed by the three Eldrazi, the powerful mana of the plane being converted into colorless wastes and the life of the plane annihilated. In recent times, due to the manipulation of the planeswalker Sarkhan Vol by Nicol Bolas, the three Eldrazi Titans were awakened from their slumber and unleashed upon the multiverse. It has also functioned a prison for powerful beings such as the demonic planeswalker Ob Nixilis.

Floating mountains, living terrain, and mysterious structures from the long-forgotten tomb of the Eldrazi and the downed Skycleaves only added to the mystique of Zendikar, leading it to also become a hiding ground for hidden artifacts of great power from Planeswalkers across the multiverse. Over time, this chaotic twisting of the natural world became known as the Roil, and the unpredictable nature of its natural inhabitants and environment turned Zendikar into a world of adventure and peril for thrill-seekers and treasure hunters. In doing so, the plane of Zendikar became an ever-shifting plane of chaotic energy, the result of the plane’s “immune system” rejecting the eldritch beings trapped within it.

Using lithomancy and ghostflame, they created an advanced network of hedrons to manipulate the leylines of Zendikar and trap the Eldrazi in the physical world. Some time later, a trio of powerful planeswalkers (Ugin, Sorin, & Nahiri) used the natural, vibrant nature of Zendikar as bait to lure the three world-devouring Eldrazi Titans into a trap. One by one, the Skyclaves were toppled, and the Kor sent crashing back to the earth, their power forgotten.

Ruling from bases of power called Skyclaves, the Kor were the de facto power of Zendikar until the rebellion of the sentient races. One of the white-aligned native races, the Kor, would eventually come to rule the plane and force all other races upon it into servitude with the use of powerful artifacts. Millenia ago, Zendikar was a stable plane with vibrant life across its landscape. Zendikar is a plane with powerful, primal mana and a rich, varied past.